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Creating school culture that values both inclusion and individualism

Students that feel included are involved and engaged. Students that are engaged become proud graduates that go on to lead enriched lives.

  • I am passionate about the emotional and educational success of every single student in our District

  • I will make decisions with the focus of educational (and emotional) equity: students need the same opportunities, not the same treatment

Two-way communication channels

Our students, staff, families and community should have information and be able to provide input in decision making.

  • I am dedicated to outreach and plan to listen with curiosity and act on issues

  • I will be a voice for our students, stakeholders and the community by asking questions such as: What have we done well? What do we continue to do well? What specific challenges are we facing? How/where can we do better?

  • I am dedicated to engaging in conversations with staff, families, students, site councils, and more and will bring those conversations back to the board

Physical and psychological safety of all students

Students cannot advance academically if they do not feel safe (solutions cannot and be one-size-fits-all).

  • Physical safety - bullying and violence prevention, allergy awareness, medical/health plan support (IEP/504), permission for students to have a voice to promote self-advocacy

  • Psychological safety - teach our kids moral and emotional courage, reduce feelings of isolation, interpersonal relationship skill building (kids need to re-learn how to be kids and be with other kids again), on campus and online emotional bullying prevention

  • General safety -  ensuring appropriate staff behavior, closed and secure campuses, removal of leaded paint, deteriorating building repair 

I see a need in our District and on our School Board for:

  • Student advocacy

  • Trustees who are truly invested in the students of this district, and who have fresh ideas and open minds

  • Regular outreach to schools

  • Delivery of a clear vision, message, direction and expectation to PGUSD administration

  • Trustees that are willing to have difficult and courageous conversations and be willing to take action by making challenging decisions

  • Recruitment and retention of ethnically diverse high-quality teachers 

  • Continuing the legacy of this great District while also growing to fit our changing times

  • Policy review 

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